Please assist me develop the given for a better understanding of the assignment:
1. Provide and discuss TWO different discipline and/or discipline situations in detail.
2. In each of the two scenarios that you provide, what led up to the employer's decision? Did everything go well from an HRM perspective? Discuss the process, and also the strengths and drawbacks of the approach taken by the supervisor or HRM representative.
3. From the employee's perspective, was the discipline/discharge viewed as fair? Explain why or why not.
4. Were the employer actions challenged in either of the examples you provide? Please discuss.
Prepare a detailed response that is professionally presented while addressing each question asked. Use HRM terminology. For any research conducted, use internet research that is reliable and gives substantiated information. Please provide referencing in APA format to help make the arguments stronger and a list at the end of the response so that I may look them up.