
dictionary - meaning and scopedictionary is the

Dictionary - Meaning and Scope

Dictionary is the most widely known and used reference book. Almost every household possesses a dictionary. All school children are taught to use a dictionary to help them under-stand the meaning and use of words and pursuing independent studies. It is one of the most common reference books referred to by the people all through their life.

The word `dictionary' is derived from the medieval Latin word `dictionarium' - a collection of words. It originates from the term `diction' meaning `a mode of expression'. A dictionary generally deals with the collection of general words either of a language or of special terms of a particular subject. It usually defines terms and gives their alternate meaning, usage, etc. Some dictionaries give derivation and history of words top. The words are arranged in some definite order, usually alphabetical. Sometimes the entries are arranged in classified order and are presented in related groups. In a nutshell, a dictionary deals with words, their meaning and uses.

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