
dictionaries useful for translationsdictionaries

Dictionaries Useful for Translations

"Dictionaries giving meaning of words from one language into another language/languages are known as bilingual or multilingual dictionaries. We are all familiar with English-Hindi, English - Tamil or English-Urdu dictionaries. They are used as an aid in learning a foreign language. They are also utilized in translating text of foreign language book, etc. in local language or vice-versa.

When a dictionary is compiled to give meaning of a word of one language into more than one languages, like dictionary, as is evident, is called as multilingual. In bilingual dictionaries, word of one language is described in the other language; some times such explanation may exceed even a sentence. Multilingual dictionaries restrict themselves to only providing with equivalent term in other languages. Such dictionaries also are made use of to provide descriptors for subject headings. They are also considered part of comparative linguistics." Therefore multilingual dictionaries may be classified as:

  1. Bilingual dictionaries, giving meaning in one or two other languages. 
  2. Multilingual dictionaries providing equivalent words in three or more languages.

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