
Dice write a program that simulates rolling two dice using

2. Dice Write a program that simulates rolling two dice using the following steps: 1. Prompt the user for the number of sides for two dice. 2. "Roll" the dice three times by generating a random number between 1 (inclusive) and the number of sides (inclusive). 3. Keep track of the sum of the rolls for each die and output the sum and average for each die. 3. Computing A Raise Write a java program called Salary.java that takes as input an employee's salary and a rating of the employee's performance and computes the raise for the employee. The performance rating here is being entered as a Stringthe three possible ratings are "Excellent", "Good", and "Poor". An employee who is rated excellent will receive a 6% raise, one rated good will receive a 4% raise, and one rated poor will receive a 1.5% raise. Add the if... else... statements to program Salary to make it run as described above. Note that you will have to use the equals method of the String class (not the relational operator ==) to compare two strings. 

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Basic Computer Science: Dice write a program that simulates rolling two dice using
Reference No:- TGS01134452

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