Diastolic dysfunction is responsible for one third of cases of heart failure alone and rest two third of cases in combination with systolic dysfunction. Diastolic dysfunction can be assessed by Doppler echocardiography (basics of diastolic dysfunction would be covered in this section)
Doppler Echocardiographic Indices of Diastolic Function:
1) Mitral inflow velocity (E = wave, A = wave E/A ratio)
2) Mitral E = wave deceleration time
3) Isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT)
4) Pulmonary vdin systolic and diastolic velocity (S,D,S/D ratio)
5) Pulmonary vain atrial systolic reversal (PVa)
6) Difference between PVa and mitral a wave duration
7) Tissue Doppl$r at mitral annulus
Transducer positidn: Place the pulsed sample at the level of tips of the mitral leaflets in their fully open diastolic position. The ultrasound beam need to be parallel with the direction of blood flow.