The Abolition of the slave trade and slavery: an important theme/area in the study of the african Diaspora is the abolition of slavery and the slave trade. aboliton freed, but did not necessarily emncipate tens of thousands of enslaved africans in many slave societies in the british, french and spanish colonies in the New World also in the United States, Cuba, and Brazil. What is the difference between abolition and emancipation? why after over three hundred years of enslavement and brutal treatment, enslaved africans were suddenly set free from bondage? why and how did slave trade come to and end? what role did the enslaved workers play in their own freedom? who were the abolitionists who fought to have them freed? what motivated their efforts? what were some of the tactics employed by abolitoinists in this effort?
The following terms must be used, defined and included or incorporated within the text of the essay, preferably in the introduction:
Diaspora,Abolition,Emancipation, Progress, Humanity, Adversity and Resilence. Students are expected to incorporate these terms within the context of the essay and express their meaning within context of the essay