
Diagrams and tables must be numbered and labeled and close

The paper should adhere to University writing standards and be at least 6, but no more than 10 double-spaced pages in length, excluding title page, abstract, bibliography, table of contents, or any graphic, tabular or illustrative material.

The paper should be formatted in Word

The Research topic: BIG DATA

Please make sure it is original writing. This paper will go through three different plagiarism sites

The research paper will be marked as follows:

70% will be assigned for the content of the document:
- clarity
- conciseness
- appropriateness of the information, concepts
- incorporation of all reviewed articles in a comprehensive whole
- summary of findings (at the end)
- state of the art

20% will be assigned for the presentation style of the document:
- abstract
- table of contents
- introduction
- conclusion
- paragraphs with headings where appropriate
- references in the text
- acknowledgements section if you got special help from anyone
- reference list at the end with links where appropriate
- figures, diagrams and tables must be numbered and labeled, and close to the first reference in the text
- graduate level writing ability is expected
- APA guidelines are followed

10% will be assigned for proper referencing:
- References are of high quality
- APA guidelines are followed

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Database Management System: Diagrams and tables must be numbered and labeled and close
Reference No:- TGS01661775

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