
Diagram of am 2901 bit slice processor

Question 1) Explain the implementation of stack in software. Describe its operation with an example.

b) Briefly discuss the different types of opcode encoding. In a computer instruction format the instruction length and size of an address field are 11 and 4 bits respectively. Is it possible to have?

7 two address instructions
15 one address instructions
18 zero address instructions

using expanding opcode technique. Justify your answer.

c) What do you understand by the following addressing modes?

i) inherent

ii) absolute

iii) register

iv) register indirect

d) Represent the following numbers in 32 bit floating point format.

i) -1/32

ii) 1/8

iii) -0.625

iv) 5

Question 2)a) Describe hardware implementation of unsigned binary multiplication with block diagram and flow chart. Also describe the operation with an example.

b) Multiply the following using Booth’s algorithm.

i) 7*3

ii) 4*(-6)

iii) -5*(-3)

iv) -2*7

c) Design a 4 bit general purpose register with the following functions:

S1  S2  Function
 0   0    Load external data
 0   1    Arithmetic shift right
 1   0    Rotate right
 1   1    Rotate left

Describe the internal organization of the basic cell used in this design

Question 3)a) Design and implement a combinational circuit that will work as follows:

S1  S2  Function
 0   0    A plus B
 0   1    Shift left A
 1   0    A plus B plus 1
 1   1    Shift left A plus 1

A and B are 4 bit operands.

b) Draw a neat block diagram schematic of the AM 2901 Bit Slice Processor.

c) Describe the design of a microprogrammed control unit for 4X4 Booth’s multiplier. Calculate the sizes of the CMDB and CM and obtain the complete hardware organization of the microprogrammed multiplier control unit.

Question 4) Design a hardwired control unit to find nth Fibonacci term. Assume n<=8. Design the control unit using counter decoder and PLA.

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Computer Engineering: Diagram of am 2901 bit slice processor
Reference No:- TGS06533

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