
Diagnosis-symptoms and prophylaxis of myxoviruses

1) Describe Normal microbial flora of human body with suitable diagram?

2) Describe how you can explain the host – microbe interaction clinically?

3) Write down the routine laboratory techniques which are used for isolation and identification of Bacteria.

4) What is meant by Diagnostic Microbiology? Write down its importance in bacteriological examination.

5) Describe the terms given below:

a) Gastrointestinal disorder

b) gas gangrene

c) leprosy

6) Explain the clinical symptoms, pathogenesis, Epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis in detail.

7) What is meant by Myxoviruses and describe the clinical diagnosis, symptoms and prophylaxis?

8) Explain AIDS and describe why it is an immune deficiency disease clinically.

9) What do you understand by mycosal or mycotic infections and describe in detail?

10) Explain the terms  given below:

a) Zoonotic diseases

b) Amoebiasis

c) Malaria.

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Biology: Diagnosis-symptoms and prophylaxis of myxoviruses
Reference No:- TGS012717

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