
Diagnoses based on the major health risks identified

Assignment task: In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, develop a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate based on the health risks faced by the aggregate that I identified in the risk assessment.

Address the following:

Propose two (2) priority-nursing diagnoses based on the major health risks identified during the risk assessment for the aggregate. (Heart Disease and Cancer)

Include strategies to address the nursing diagnoses and identified risks of aggregate.

Support your strategies with at least two journal articles.

Develop a disaster management plan with the following components:

List of disasters that might affect your aggregate (take into consideration the geographical location of the aggregate, past history, etc.).

Strategies for handling at least two disasters from the list.

Recommendations for a disaster supplies kit.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

The Aggregate:

Laura S. Chacon

South University

Working with the public can be a draining and stressful experience. Anticipating the needs and wants of others can not only be difficult, sometimes it is impossible. Working with a sick and physically dependent population, such as residents of an Assisted Living Facility, adds and extra hurdle to this task. Care takers not only have to cater to individuals, but also work under the constrains and policies of the health care system.

To explore this topic, the focus will be placed on the experiences of three certified nursing assistants. These women are all over thirty-five years of age, they are all first generation immigrants and they are married with children. They work in an Assistive Living Facility where the residents are all physically or mentally impaired. The workers perform tasks of daily living for the residents such as bathing and feeding them. They are also tasked with informing nurses and families of any significant changes in the patient's conditions and addressing those changes whenever possible and appropriate.

The facility where our aggregate is located resides in Homestead, Florida. This is a city located in Miami-Dade County in the southeastern part of the state. It is about 35 miles southwest of Miami and is considered part of the Greater Miami area. The city has a total area of approximately 15.3 square miles, according to the United States Census Bureau. The population of Homestead is approximately 82,614 people, according to the last available census data in 2024.The city was incorporated in 1913, and developed as an agricultural community, with farming being a major economic activity. The city continued to grow rapidly in the early 20th century with the extension of the Florida East Coast Railway in this area. (................)

According to Data USA (n.d), "78.8% of the population of Homestead, FL has health coverage, with 31.7% on employee plans, 28.1% on Medicaid, 4.22% on Medicare, 13.3% on non-group plans, and 1.46% on military or VA plans". According to FloridaHealthCharts.gov, "In 2022, in Miami-Dade County, the rate per 1,000 live births of Infant Mortality (Aged 0-364 Days) (All) was 5.9 compared to Florida at 6.0." The leading causes of death in Miami Dade County are similar to the rest of the country. They are namely heart disease, (including coronary artery disease, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases), cancer, respiratory diseases and accidents (including motor vehicle accidents and falls). The life expectancy in Miami Dade as of 2020, was around 78.8 years.(....................................)

I chose this aggregate because I have lived in some part of this city through my entire adult life and I have worked in health care for the last eight years. This is my city and these are my people. I have moved more south as the years have passed and as such, I have seen that even a short distance has a huge impact in the population. I do not plan to leave this community any time soon and as such, I want to explore the reasons behind that impact as well as ways to improve my community.

While driving around my chosen aggregate community, I have been able to observe much. The homes are quite a mix. In some parts they are brand new communities of mostly two story townhomes. It is not uncommon to drive only a few minutes away from such communities and find a block of section 8 housing. There are also areas filled with large, older family homes with large backyards and even pools. It is quite a mixed area. These places are not far away from each other at all. It sometimes only takes a short five to ten minute drive to see a totally different area made up of older or newer homes. The same applies to parks and public spaces. While some are new, big and right by a shopping center, others are small and unkempt, next to woods or desolated areas. The community areas closer to popular shipping or eating areas tend to be clean and in shape. Others are less well kept but not exactly dirty. The area where the windshield survey took place, even those less well kept are still mostly clean.

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Reference No:- TGS03428932

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