
Diabetes disturbs the homeostasis that is maintained by

Diabetes disturbs the homeostasis that is maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate by the autonomic nervous system. When the normal blood sugar level is disrupted by the insufficient production of insulin, the glucose level is disrupted extensively as the glucose levels rise. Therefore, diabetes can also disrupt the homeostasis of other facets of body metabolism. However, diabetes neither takes excess sugar within cells nor affects oxygen levels. Therefore, the main problem with diabetes is that glucose cannot enter the cells without being broken down by insulin. Thus, the cells starve themselves from glucose and oxygen does not take part in starving the cells.

Disruption of homeostasis process makes starving cells to break down fat to produce ketones. Apart from this, protein is also broken down to fuel. The above processes result in wastage of fats and muscles. Therefore, in the phase of excess sugar, the body starves and dies. The other system that is inhibited by diabetes is water regulation. When sugar level increase in blood, water is pulled out from the cells hence shrinking them.

As a result of this mechanism, the brain fails to maintain its function and foggy thinking happens, water is pulled out from the eyeball causing shrinking of the eyeball thus blurring vision. At this stage, the high glucose also starts leaking through the kidney glomerulus and spilling into the urine extensively through pulling water out with it. Consequently, diabetes causes the symptoms of thirst, excessive urination, blurry vision and foggy thinking regularly.

On the other side, it is important to know how diabetes is spread and infect a person. When a person eats or drinks, his/her body starts breaking down the sugars in the blood and converts it into glucose. Now, the glucose travels through the bloodstream of the body and provides energy for various functions. To accomplish this process, pancreas needs to produce a hormone called insulin. At this stage, when a person has diabetes, the pancreas either produces inadequate insulin or none at all. This body condition allows blood glucose level to rise while the rest of the cells are deprived of energy, leading to a wide variety of problems affecting nearly every part of the body of a person.

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Dissertation: Diabetes disturbs the homeostasis that is maintained by
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