Question 1) Describe ISDN and how will you establish connection between LAN and internet.
Question 2) Write down the features of HTML language.
Question 3) Explain the tags used to align the image.
Question 4) How will you link web pages using tag? Give suitable example.
Question 5) What is a border? How will you fine tune the border appearance? Give suitable example.
Question 6) Describe the elements of style sheet.
Question 7) suitable any five image editing tools.
Question 8) How will you create tables and image maps with HTML in front page.
Question 9) Design a form to get the personal information like name age marital status gender occupation with appropriate control boxes. Also, write a code.
Question 10) Write a DHTML code to alter position of an image by using script code and CSS style properties.
Question 11) Create a web page with links to other web pages showing details of university information.