Define batholith, dike, laccolith, pluton, sill, intrusive, and extrusive. Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts-notcut-and-paste definitions. Use citations as appropriate to support your statements.
Define caldera, flood basalt, pyroclastic rock, shield volcano, and phreatic eruption. Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts-not cut-and-paste definitions. Use citations as appropriate to support your statements.
Define bedding, evaporite, fossil, strata, and detrital sediment. Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts-not cut-and-paste definitions. Use citations as appropriate to support your statements.
Define regional metamorphism, shock metamorphism, contact metamorphism, and burial metamorphism. Give substantive, complete, and original definitions that are your expressions of the terms or concepts-not cut-and-paste definitions. Use citations as appropriate to support your statements.