
Devising plan in school or district

Levin suggests that in order to facilitate meaningful change, stakeholder focus has to be channeled and chunked in order to sustain focus and motivation to realize/achieve the change that is necessary for growth and development. Briefly describe the problem in your school or district that needs attention (change to differentiated instruction)and the change you proposed to address the issue. Using Levin's suggestions for making change, describe how you might divide your plan into steps or stages for addressing the issue at hand. How can you make the process manageable for stakeholders? Describe how much time you would allot to each step or stage in the process. Also describe how you would employ a "thoughtful but relentless" approach to facilitating the change effort. How can you get stakeholders to develop a sense of thoughtful urgency and persistence in making/facilitating the change? Guided Response: Review and respond to at least two of your classmates' posts by providing other learners with feedback regarding whether or not their suggested plans will allow for enough time (or allocates too much time) to each step or stage of the change process. Provide additional suggestions for generating/encouraging thoughtful urgency and persistence to elicit change.

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Reference No:- TGS032894

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