Question 1. What is the name of the individual credited with devising levels of measurement in which different measurement outcomes can be classified?
a. Binet
b. Stevens
c. Cattell
d. Wechsler
Question 2. What is one way to obtain a criterion validity estimate?
a. ask an expert for his or her opinion
b. assess the underlying construct on which the test is based and correlate these scores with the test scores
c. select a criterion and correlate scores on the test with scores on the criterion
d. obtain a Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient for two different forms of the test given at different times
Question 3. What is the computed number for how well an item distinguishes between the "knowing" and the "unknowing"?
a. item analysis
b. discrimination index
c. difficulty index
d. attitude index
Question 4. Which level of measurement is very similar to Thurstone-like scales?
a. ordinal
b. nominal
c. interval
d. ratio
Question 5. How can descriptive statistics be defined?
a. describing elements of a distribution
b. relating the data to a larger population
c. developing a research question
d. identical to inferential statistics
Question 6. Which measure of variability is the most direct way to measure how dispersed a set of scores is?
a. the mean
b. standard deviation
c. range
d. variance
Question 7. Which measure of variability describes the average deviation of each score from the mean?
a. range
b. standard deviation
c. mode
d. mean
Question 8. What measure would be used to compute the average gender of subjects?
a. mean
b. mode
c. median
d. standard deviation
Question 9. Which measure would be used to describe the average class ranking of algebra students?
a. mean
b. mode
c. median
d. standard deviation