
Deviant behavior is a natural disposition which theoretical

Please answer the following question with a paragraph each.

1.Deviant behavior is a natural disposition. Which theoretical approach best explains deviant behavior? Support your opinion with factual information and explain your reasoning.

2.What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach?

3.How does one's participation in deviant behavior affect their position in terms of Social Stratification?

4.Consider a violation of a social norm or participation in a deviant act. Why are certain norms only applicable in certain situations, such as being quiet in church? 5.Consider the components involved in the Stratification of Society, how would the feelings, sanctions, etc. differ if you were a member of a different social class, race, and/or gender? Describe how these major elements influence society.

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Dissertation: Deviant behavior is a natural disposition which theoretical
Reference No:- TGS01420172

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