
Developments in the e-business and e-commerce

(Please respond to the following questions using the short essay format)

Question 1. Planning is a useless endeavor, because developments in e-business and e-commerce and in the political, economic, and societal environment are moving too quickly nowadays. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

Question 2. "Planning and budgeting processes are notorious for their rigidity and irrelevance to management action." How can planning be made relevant to the challenges facing an e-business enterprise?

Question 3. "Many companies plan really well, yes few translate strategy in to action" Do you think this is true? Why or Why not?

Question 4. What planning methods would you use to develop e-business and e-commerce strategies and applications for your own business? Explain your choice.

Question 5. What are the three most important factors you would use in evaluating computer hardware? Explain why?

Question 6. What are several key factors in designing a successful e-commerce or Intranet website? Explain why the design factors you those are important to web success.

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Other Management: Developments in the e-business and e-commerce
Reference No:- TGS01794697

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