
Development of tommy psychopathology

Case of Tommy

Tommy was born to a teenage mother who had abused drugs on and on during her pregnancy and soon after he was born. Due to parental neglect Tommy was placed in foster care at the age of 3. During the early years (ages 3-9) Tommy was living in several foster homes where his difficult behavior patterns started to concern his foster parents. He was asked to leave his second preschool because of his behavior. He was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at age 5. Through much of his early years he was isolated in his room and had very few friends. Tommy found solace in a secret virtual life that involved online video games, of an often violent nature. His ongoing pattern of defiant and hostile behavior toward authority seriously interfered with his day-to-day functioning and when Tommy turned 14 years old he was diagnosed with Oppositional Deant Disorder (ODD).

Tommy was largely a disturbed child but nevertheless he was quite intelligent and had developed computer skills. This, however, led him to being involved in digital piracy during his later teen years where he was sharing software and movies without the permission of the copyright holder. He had been successful with a larger than usual following on social media, but he mainly used it as a platform for cyberbullying others. This led to an ongoing array of bad online behavior and an involvement in identity theft, and landed him in juvenile court by the time he was 17 years old.

In your paper explain how society may have impacted child and adolescent development. Provides suggestions for parents, school staff, and other adults, particularly in ways that they could have helped kids like Tommy to have a better experience and develop better skills for getting along with others in age- appropriate ways. Include in your paper:

The impact of culture and socioeconomic status (please note that a specific culture was not indicated in the case and you are encouraged to explore different possibilities). What if Tommy were Caucasian? African American? From a different culture? What would have been different if Tommy was raised in an affluent home and school environments? In poverty?

The impact of technology and social media on Tommy. Just a modern elect? What if Tommy was raised years ago before the prevalence of today's technology?

An examination of the possible impact of society on the development of Tommy's psychopathology (ADHA, ODD).

An exploration of the family (or several foster families in Tommy's case) and community as far as connection with schools. How could these be strengthened to help kids like Tommy?

Cite all texts used, include references, a thesis and conclusion

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Reference No:- TGS03423815

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