
Development of the strategic communication plan


Part 1:

"Strategic Communication Plan"

• Review the seven steps required in the process of developing a strategic communication plan. Determine the step that you believe is the most important in the process. Include example(s) to support your response.

• Debate for or against the following statement: "When officers make an arrest without a warrant, they act at their own peril and are allowed no margin of error". Provide a rationale for your response.

Strategic communication plan

An important step in the development of the strategic communication plan is the determination of goals and objectives. The objectives and goals of the communication plan highlight what is to be achieved and how it can be achieved. The goals and objectives guide the communication plan, and without them, the plan would not be successful. The objective and the goals of the communication plan help to clear the focus of the plan and thus align initiatives towards achieving these aspects (Stephens, Hill & Greenberg, 2011). The desired end of the communication plan is ascertained, and the methods of quantifying when the goals have been reached are identified.

The statement identifies that when the police arrest without being issued with a warrant act on their peril as they are not allowed any margin of error. This statement is accurate in that arrests without warrant identify that the officer in charge of the arrests has the evidence needed to support the arrest and to prove that the suspect did commit a crime (Schmalleger et al., 2014). The officer bears the burden of ascertaining that the crime has been committed by the suspect or risk being liable for wrongful imprisonment. With a warrant, the officer has the legal backing to arrest the suspect for a crime and does not risk liability for wrongful imprisonment.


Schmalleger et al. (2014). Criminal justice today. Prentice Hall.

Stephens, D. W., Hill, J., & Greenberg, S. F. (2011). Strategic Communication Practices: A Toolkit for Police Executives. US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.

Part 2:

"International Finance"

Based on the lecture and Web text materials, address the following:

The IMF and World Bank are the world's two leading lending institutions, but much of their monetary assistance disappears once it enters the banking systems of developing countries. Cite concrete evidence that supports the assertion that much assistance to developing countries is simply stolen by officials. Determine other main factors that account for the misuse of these funds.

Response the below:

Governments of developing countries seek help from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank for efforts in 'financial reform, Improvement of economic performance / development, infrastructure projects, and the avoidance of economic disasters' (Webtext, section 2.2). The IMF and World Bank are the two largest International financial institutions in which many of the developing countries are dependent upon for financial assistance. It has been reported that corruption of developing countries have become the norm for top leaders. When funding is allocated it is hard to manage how it is distributed and the true purpose of usage, typically because they are "stolen" (as noted in the lecture). Those leaders who have the ability to influence corruption often do so through bribery of either imported/ exported goods, and money laundering of finances, whereas actions are overlooked because the developing countries are so much in desperate need of assistance and developed countries use it to their advantage. It has also been said that many government officials treat banking transactions like their own 'personal accounts'. Take for example, the armed forces of Egypt; of the one billion three hundred million dollars provided a year, only an undisclosed portion is required to be used for military hardware, while the remaining portion is unaccounted for, and siphoned by the bureaucrats for personal use

Many developing countries seek assistance from the two largest IFIs as a last resort, and are often taken advantage of. This advantage accounts for some of the misuse of funds to developing countries. Lenders are highly aware of the weaknesses/ circumstances faced by the poor and force them into agreements that puts them in a deeper hole, like making changes to policies that may hurt the region more than help. One great example of this is the situation between Barbadian leaders and the IMF. The IMF were to award financial assistance to Barbados only under the circumstances that their currency was devalued. The change would only be a temporary fix, and the Barbadians may end up with more debt, decrease in purchasing power, increased costs for exports/ risk of inflation, and other issues that would be critical to the economy. According to former Chief economist of the World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz, poor countries can either choose to pay off debt or fund healthcare and education (Webtext, section 2.3). That being said, countries often face financial hardship; while the IFI on the other hand continue lending funds and gaining the greater benefits as they previously have.

This information concludes that monetary assistance does indeed 'disappear' within the banking system for a variety of reasons. In essence, having a corrupt government , experiencing tax evasion, bribery, money laundering, and enforcing policies that otherwise favor leaders, are all contributing factors to the misuse of funds, amongst other factors. Furthermore, such instances has an overall effect on developing countries financial stability and economic improvement.

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Business Law and Ethics: Development of the strategic communication plan
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