
Development of the competency movement

Understand government led skills development initiatives:

Write a formal, well structured report which explains the government led skills development initiatives introduced in the UK(Rolls Royce). Reference using the Harvard referencing system and use the appendices to briefly provide an explanation of the initiatives and organisations listed in the Guidance notes.

You should:

1: Explain the role of government in training, development and lifelong learning.

2: Explain how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sectors. Explain how an organization of your choice has adopted this process.

3: Read the case study and use the Rolls Royce Website to assess how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for Rolls Royce.

Guidance Notes:

The UK government has recently introduced various initiatives to ensure that the UK work force is up to date and skilled. Discuss UK Government approaches to learning and development in the UK and include the following organizations, training schemes and initiatives in your report.

• QCA , Teaching Agency, Standards and Testing Agency and OFQUAL
• Skills Funding Agency
• Sector Skills Council (SSC’s)
• Learn direct
• Investors in People (IIP)
• National Skills Academies
• Apprenticeship Schemes
• New Deal
• Train to Gain
• NVQ’s

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Reference No:- TGS01431746

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