Development of Resource Sharing Networks in India
In the foregoing sections of this Unit, we have discussed major factors associated with networking. We attempted to understand the concept of networked resources and the advantages and benefits of resource sharing activity. Most of our awareness is based on the developments and environment existing in the developed countries. It may be pointed out at this stage, that Successful implementation of networking and resource sharing by and large depends upon the telecommunications facilities available in the country and the use of modern computer technology for the management of libraries and information services in the country. Apart from this essential condition, other conditions such as desire and cooperation among existing information institute to share their resources for the maximum benefit of the users of library and information services are also necessary.
It will consider the developments taking place in India since the 7th five year plan we may discern a significant change in the policies of the government of India favouring modernisatin of libraries and information services in the country. This has been eloquently advocated by the Report of the Working Group of the planning commission under the chairmanship of Dr. N. Seshagiri and also the subsequent report of the Working Group constituted by the Planning Commission under the chairmanship of B.P. Singh for the Ninth flat- period (1997-2002 ). The efforts made by NISSAT and Us: hive also contributed in a large measure for the establishment, development and operation of library resource sharing network in India. Let us try to learn more about the indigenous networks and their objectives and performance.