
Development of objectives and research questions relevance


Assignment guidelines

Objective of the assignment is to acquaint the students with the use of statistical methods and tools.

Students may work in groups of up to 3 persons.

Every assignment should be based on a data set, which should be retrieved from a public domain repository. Examples of such repositories include, but not limited to, the following:

- https://www.statsci.org/datasets.html

- https://www2.stetson.edu/~jrasp/data.htm

- https://r-dir.com/reference/datasets.html

(All sites were visited on October 14, 2016). The aforementioned sites are indicative. Students may search in many other places or bring their own data set in case there is one in which they are interested in.
Procedure to complete the assignment:

- Each assignment should consist of two files: a report and an excel file. The report should summarize the problem, the methodology and findings. The excel file should incorporate all analyses. Analyses in the excel file must be clear and complemented with text that would enable the reader to follow the results. Key findings must be inserted in the report.

Assignment content:

- Data set collection. The data set must be explicitly identified in the report.

- Based on the data set, the team should formulate one or more objectives and formulate the research questions. The research questions should be specific and should be answered using the findings from the statistical analysis. Objectives, research questions and procedure for statistical analysis must be clearly explained in the report.

Grading criteria:
- Data set collection (justification).
- Development of objective(s) and research question(s): relevance with respect to the selected data set.
- Justification of selected statistical methods for analysis.
- Presentation of findings.
- Answer of the research questions.
- Overall appearance of the report.
- Organization of the excel file.

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Basic Statistics: Development of objectives and research questions relevance
Reference No:- TGS01671153

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