Development of Knowledge and Skills:
Training and development of personnel to acquire higher and new skills is to build up the capacity and ability of the employees to attune themselves to the changing requirements of the library.
These may include,
among others: orientation courses to give new entrants an exposure and acclematisation to the work, environment and persons;
in-service training programmes are meant to give junior persons an opportunity to pick up practical skills in a particular unit; workshops in specific areas to middle level technical staff to enable them to acquaint themselves with current developments in a, given field;
short term courses in new areas to any, group to enable its members to emulate current trends; and
continuing education programmes to, groups to enable them know current trends and advances in their particular areas of work.
In planning training programmes the following points freed care and attention:
1) Need for training identification of areas of training and number of persons to be trained in a time frame,