Question 1: Describe the history and development of Human Rights in Indian constitution.
Question 2: Examine how UDHR had an impact for the growth of human rights in India.
Question 3: Describe the judicial perspective to Article 21 of the Indian constitution which helped for its expansion.
Question 4: The Directive principles of state policy focus on the socio economic justice however made unenforceable. Describe.
Question 5: Examine the impact of judicial activism for the growth of human rights jurisprudence.
Question 6: Describe the role of N.G.O.’s for the protection of human rights.
Question 7: Describe how the international norms on human rights implemented in India.
Question 8: How Article 14 is enshrined in India.
Question 9: Describe the functions of national and state Human rights commission in India.
Question 10: Write brief notes on any two of the given terms.
a) Legal Aid.
b) Public interest litigation.
c) Liberty.