
Development of automotive interface for laptop computer

Title: Development of an Automotive Interface for Laptop Computers

The Report

It should consist of the following sections, with the following numbering scheme:

i. Project Title
ii. Name and Programme of Study
iii. Aims of the report
iv. Problem Definition
v. Plan of Work
vi. Resources
vii. Appendices: Risk Assessment

Report Title

Ideally this is a brief title describing the main report theme.

Name and Programme of Study

Clearly identify your name, the programme of study.

Aims of the report

Between 3 and 6 aims (more does not necessarily mean better) of the form shown below as an example.

1. To review the current market requirements for domestic security systems.

2. To design a domestic security system for a component cost under £25.

3. To build and test a security system in a domestic environment.

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Electrical Engineering: Development of automotive interface for laptop computer
Reference No:- TGS01500

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