Development of a dynamic working culture

Assignment Task: Respond to at least two of your peers' posts stating why you agree. Response must be a minimum of 250 words

Discussion 1 (Debbie)

To foster a vibrant workplace culture, our company has adopted several significant practices. These include ongoing employee appreciation events, transparent and open lines of communication, flexible work schedules, and chances for career advancement, employee wellness programs, and a resolute dedication to fostering work-life balance. These approaches have resulted in a notable increase in employee morale, which has raised engagement, increased productivity, and improved overall job satisfaction." A previous organization that I had the pleasure of working for displayed the following

The organization has implemented several noteworthy practices to support the development of a dynamic working culture. These consist of recurring activities to show gratitude to employees, clear and honest communication channels, flexible work arrangements, opportunities for career progression, employee wellness initiatives, and a steadfast commitment to promoting work-life balance. The implementation of these measures has led to a significant boost in staff morale, resulting in higher levels of engagement, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. I had the privilege of working for a prior company that contributed to the following examples of leadership, positivity, and some of the challenges.

Examples of Positivity:

Clearly defining core values, emphasizing employee well-being, encouraging open communication at all levels, promoting collaboration, rewarding success with awards, providing opportunities for professional growth, facilitating mentorship programs, actively soliciting employee feedback, and promoting diversity and inclusion through extensive training initiatives are just a few of the effective practices that an organization can implement to create a vibrant work environment. These procedures not only improve the culture at work but also help the company as a whole. Employee commitment to the success of the company is higher when they see that their efforts are valued and appreciated. Higher output and improved performance as a whole may result from this, which will help the company retain top people.

Leadership and Positivity:

The organization culture can be influenced and shaped through the leadership style. Rewards and punishments are used to control workers and the overall organizational culture. That is why this leadership style is sometimes called "coercive management." Your leadership style sets the tone for your organization's culture. As a leader, you have the power to shape the goals, policies, and overall direction of the organization. You also decide who gets a voice in the process and how goals and policies are implemented. When evaluating how to refine your company's culture, consider the impact of your leadership style on defining that culture. Your leadership can inspire and drive positive change within the organization.

Challenges and Solutions:

Organizations are continuously challenged by the difficulties of creating a positive work environment in today's dynamic workplace. These problems include things like poor communication, disgruntled workers, inadequate training, challenges with work-life balance, trouble resolving disputes, handling diversity, uneven leadership, changing employee expectations, and dealing with mental health issues. Organizations may foster a vibrant and harmonious work atmosphere that improves productivity and overall performance by tackling these issues head-on.

Fagaly, M. (2013, March 13). The 5 Types of Leadership tyles That Can Define Your Organization's Culture. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Respond to at least two of your peers' posts stating why you agree. Response must be a minimum of 250 words

Discussion 2 (Earnesto):

In the following case, I saw several practices implemented to promote a positive workplace climate when I evaluated a previous employer. The organization established corporate exercises like team-building activities and incentive schemes like the 'Employee of the Month. ' These Committees improved the morale and employees' interaction, productivity, and satisfaction, in concordance with the POB framework that promotes positive interaction at the workplace.

It was also noted that leadership influenced the organizational climate. From the results, it can be concluded that the leadership behavior was mainly transformational, with specific behaviors being inspiration, consideration for the needs of the individuals, and encouragement of creative thinking processes. Indeed, the leaders regularly gave feedback and training opportunities, which enhanced the notion of calling and inclusion among workers. This approach is consistent with the POB concept's parameters, which aim to develop the workforce's psychological capital, including hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism (Lasrado & Kassem, 2020). Nevertheless, there were some cases when leaders overemphasized contingent rewards and used this system only to achieve organizational performance without concern for the employees' needs and care. Sometimes, it influences employees' stress levels and engagement, which points to the fact that leaders should use appropriate leadership behavior to build a positive climate.

Another issue that the organization experienced was how to maintain positive evidence when the organization was going through changes like re-organizations. Due to this uncertainty, the morale and the level of trust lowered, which was supported by Jamali and other researchers in 2022. To this, the organization could have enhanced transparency through frequent and open communications, engaging employees in the decision-making system to erase fear and anxiety. They could have applied theories such as Kotter's eight steps of change to create a framework, to sum up change without necessarily risking the positive attitude in the working environment.


Jamali, A., Bhutto, A., Khaskhely, M., & Sethar, W. (2022). Impact of leadership styles on faculty performance: Moderating role of organizational culture in higher education.

Lasrado, F., & Kassem, R. (2020). Let's get everyone involved! The effects of transformational leadership and organizational culture on organizational excellence. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 38(1), 169-194.

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