
Development method of improving nutrition of a crop plant

Assignment Overview: Plant Mineral Nutrition Scientific Report

Prepare a report with sections for Results, Discussion and References only (do not include Introduction or Methods & Materials). You are required to use journal articles as the primary resource for background research. Your assignment will need a title page and the main body of text should be 1.5 line-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12-point font size.

Instructions Outcomes:

1. Table 1 should be submitted in the results section with all symptoms (chlorosis, necrosis, pigmentation, mobility i.e. age of leaves in which symptoms expressed, deformed growth, reduced meristematic activity, reduced growth) noted for each of the deficient elements. The table should be properly captioned (as above). DO NOT include the UNKNOWN treatment in the table, figures or data analysis.

2. Prepare separate figures for shoot length, root length, leaf number, leaf area, shoot dry weight, root dry weight and shoot/root ratio i.e. shoot dry weight/root dry weight. There should be seven (7) separate figures in total. Each figure should have an appropriate caption (as shown below) and correctly labeled axes, with units where appropriate. All should be drawn as 2-D column graphs and not as line or scatter graphs. Figures should be formatted as below (Fig. 1).

3. The key points from each table and figure should be referred to in the text of the Results section of the report e.g. which element affected the particular measurement the most or least, or which had the most severe symptoms for each measurement. Do not discuss why you may have a result: that is for the Discussion section.

Part I: In this section address the following questions as part of your discussion:

A) Which symptoms were the easiest to identify and for which element?

B) For which element was the concept of mobility most clearly expressed?

C) Sources of error and how they could be improved.

D) Within the limitations of the data available, attempt to relate the deficiency symptoms you have with the physiological roles which the particular excluded nutrients play in the physiology of the whole plant and how they affect the parameters you have measured e.g. leaf area or shoot/root ratio

Part II: For the Second part, find a journal or review article (published since 2007) that investigates and discusses a recent development in our understanding of plant nutrition. For example:

The development of a new method of improving nutrition of a crop plant;

Genetic engineering of a plant that enhances nutrient uptake and improves plant or human nutrition e.g. improved iron or vitamin content,

The importance of nitrogen or phosphorus in determining habitat composition;

Improved phosphorus efficiently in crop plants, mycorrhizas and how they can be used to enhance crop growth.

Summarize what the article has found, the techniques used and how it will enhance plant growth or improve our understanding of plant nutrition. Clearly state the chosen journal article details (authors, title, journal etc.) at the beginning of Part B. It does not have to be listed in the References, however, any other reference cited should be listed.


- Use the APA format for all the referencing.

Use journal articles only.

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Biology: Development method of improving nutrition of a crop plant
Reference No:- TGS03026305

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