
development administrationsince the government

Development Administration:

Since the Government has been entrusted to manage economic and business activities, it was found difficult to manage the economic policy with the traditional administration as it has the experience of mostly dealing with law and order and justice. Therefore, development administration was introduced to manage new activities like economic policies. Let us now understand the meaning of Development Administration. Development is a process of growth in  the direction of modernity, especially towards nation-building and socio-economic progress. It has been stressed that "development is the rational process of organising and carrying out prudently conceived and staffed programmes or projects as one would organise and carry out military or engineering operations".

According to K.S. Dadzie, United Nations Director-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation, "The final aim of development must be the constant increase of the well-being of the entire population on the basis of its full participation in the process of development and a fair distribution of the benefits therefrom." Thus, the main aim of development should be to enrich the quality of life. You must have understood that Development Administration was introduced to ensure implementation of economic policies faithfully. But the structure of administration remained same. Now, let us explain the essentials of Development Administration.  

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Microeconomics: development administrationsince the government
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