
Developing understanding of genre genre conventions and

Argumentative genre; You've spent most of the quarter researching your topic and writing for audiences who are new to your topic. You've also reflected on your developing understanding of genre, genre conventions, and rhetorical situation.

Until this point, you have produced genres that inform and analyze. Now it's time to take a stance - publically - on some aspect of your topic. To do this, you'll first need to identify a stance.

Then, choose an appropriate argumentative genre - one described in our book or one you've spotted in the wild.

You have only two parameters: the genre you produce must be designed for members of our class (you will be evaluated by your classmates on how well you've anticipated their needs as readers) and it must be a genre that is designed for public consumption (i.e., not a personal journal entry).

You will present your genre during our Genre Showcase Project presentation time.

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Term Paper: Developing understanding of genre genre conventions and
Reference No:- TGS02321583

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