Assignment Problem: Reflection on a 2 yo child diagnosed with Ruseola- Roseola is an illness in young children, with a peak prevalence between 7 and 13 months and most cases occur sporadically without known exposure. Ninety percent of cases occur in children younger than two years. Roseola occurs equally in males and females. Most children recover within a week of the onset of the fever. The rash resolves without treatment. Treatment involves supportive care with acetaminophen.
In a Microsoft Word document, respond to the self-reflection questions below. In 15 sencences, respond substantively to all required reflection questions. Analyze your personal strengths and areas for growth.?? Now that you?have completed?your first virtual client encounter?identifying differential diagnosis and diagnostic tests and ranking differentials,?it is important to assess your performance.? Select ONE of the following topics and discuss your achievement. Be sure to include at least ONE evidence-based improvement strategy to improve your performance in your next virtual patient encounter.???? Gathering client information (history and physical examination)?? Organization and interpreting information to synthesize the problem?? Identifying?differential diagnosis? Ranking differential diagnosis and identifying must not miss diagnoses? Developing the?treatment plan and selecting appropriate diagnostic tests, medications, or other treatments? Review the?Healthy People 2030 Vaccination?objectives (Links to an external site.). Consider how your treatment plan might change for this?client if she was not up to date on her vaccinations. What opportunities for education would you identify? How would a client's opinions about vaccines impact your educational strategies?