
Developing the leadership team in an entrepreneurial

Write an essay words about the following:

Below is a list of ten people who are leaders in business. Select one person from this list. Relate thatperson's style of leadership to one or more of the four leadership styles outlined in Darling & Leffel(2010), providing examples of how your selected person has applied their leadership style in theirbusiness career.

Then critically discuss how that person's leadership style has made them an effectiveor ineffective leader.Select from this list:Khalid

A. Al-Falih (Saudi Arabian - President and CEO of Saudi Aramco)Ertharin Cousin (American - Executive director of United Nations World Food Programme)Dang Le Nguyen Vu (Vietnamese - Chairman of Trung Nguyen Coffee Inc)Jiang Jianqing (Chinese - Executive director of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC)Gerard Kleisterlee (British - Chairman of Vodaphone)Christine Lagarde (French - Managing director of International Monetary Fund)Miuccia Prada (Italian - Head designer, Prada)Alfred Schopf (German - CEO of Leica)Wang Jianzhou (Chinese - Former chairman of China Mobile)Meg Whitman (American - President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard)


You should briefly define any key terms (e.g. leadership; effective/ineffective).?

As well as Darling & Leffel (2010), you should cite at least two other academic sources. Theseshould be academic references such as web- or paper-based journal articles.?

In addition to these two academic sources, you may also use one or two non-academicsources to find information about the person that you have chosen to discuss. (Non-academicsources include substantive journals, newspaper/magazine articles or books for generalreadership.

Wikipedia and online blogs are NOT appropriate references.)?

Either the Harvard or APA referencing style may be used in your response (not both). Pleaseuse one style consistently in the correct alphabetic format and with the correct words italicised.?

All work is to be typed (1.5 line spacing) and in 12 point Arial font.References:Darling, J. & Beebe, S. A. (2007). Enhancing entrepreneurial leadership: A focus on keycommunication priorities. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 20 (2), 151-168.Darling, J. & Leffel, A. (2010).

Developing the leadership team in an entrepreneurial venture: Acase focusing on the importance of styles. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

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