
developing procedures to facilitate recordingin

Developing Procedures to Facilitate Recording:

In  order  to have adequate account-of what was observed  during observation  some procedurrecordings should be  followed, either  during  the observation  as  soon  as after  the observation is completed.  The error  and  selectivity  of memory  caenter  into observer's  bias,  and  in  turn  can distort the information. In order to complete the systematic recording, observer should  find a place where sthe  can  sit  and record significant behaviours during observation  as well  aimmediately  after  they have taken place.  If the  observer has the knowledge of short hand  then full  notes of the  observation  can be  taken down and later on  can be transcribed  and coded. In projects where video  tape-recordings  are done  then those observation records  can become permanent records.  In many observational studies mechanical  devices or  other equipment are used either  as an extension of the human senses or as a means  of securing permanent records.  To enhance physiological observation several mechanical  devices are availablefor  recording behaviours  and events. Voice  tremor detectors that  are sensitive to  stress  are used  for physiological measurement  that  are not  .easily observed  by  naked  eyes. For visual  recording motion picture films, video  tapes  are  suitable media. Observation schedule  is a device that  allows easy recording during  the observation. In the schedule behaviours  are  listed on  the left hand  columnThe  tallylcheck mark  are placed  on the right  hand  columns drawn against the  time column. Sometimes, to  avoid  the  long  list of behaviour, only the broad categories are listed on  an  one-page  schedule. Each behaviour  is coded. The observer has  to  learn  the code. While recording,  against each category  the behaviour  code  is entered instead  of the  tally. For example, against  the  category  of behaviour demonstrates breathing exercise the  codactivity  like  shows  inhale pain  exhale  (e.g. coded as  I-P-E, could be entered in tally column).  

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Management Theories: developing procedures to facilitate recordingin
Reference No:- TGS0176949

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