150 words min. APA format reference50 words min. APA format referenceuestion #1
Cost Benefit Criteria and Evaluation
Read the section on Acquiring and Developing Information Systems (Valacich, pp. 366-385). You have just been charged with purchasing 10 new standard desktop computers. Compile a list of criteria you will use to evaluate the vendor selected. After having determined the different criteria, discuss the importance of these factors and rank them accordingly. Prepare a report explaining the criteria, rankings, costs and benefits.
150 words min. APA format reference
Question #2
Relations with our customers
Read the section on Customer Relationship Managers (Valacich, pp. 331-344). Find out information about Enterprise Resource Planning and Resource Patient Management System. Determine and discuss whether these are the same systems or whether they are different in respect to their design, implementation, and use.
150 words min. APA Format reference