
Developing data centric application using sql statements

Question 1) Objective of this project is to develop complete data centric application.


After completing this project, students are expected to:

i) Analyzing System Requirement

ii) Representing the requirements into logical design using Entity Relationship (ER) or/and Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) model

iii) Mapping designed model into relational schemas

iv) Transforming the relational schemas into normalized tables. Normalizing above relational schema into BCNF

v) Writing SQL statements

a) Creating tables including all applied integrity constraints

b) Populating all the tables with sample records.

vi) Developing user interfaces for using the system

Title Page

The title page must include Project Title, Authors


1. Introduction

2. Current System (if any)

3. Stakeholders

4. Key Problems

5. System Functional Requirements

6. Work Plan

Phase I: DB Requirements and Conceptual Design (ER/EER model)

Using EER model develop conceptual model (ER or EER diagram and other specific requirements like list of users, performance requirements if any, etc.) for the problem.

Completing this document can be done in many flexible ways; following items must be part of the document:

1. Introduction:

Introduction of problem (include from you problem description/project proposal)

2. Database Requirements (defines the entities, attributes, entity relationships and business rules (if any))

3. EER Model:

A conceptual model of data requirements using standard notations as well as Logical Model developed using TOAD data modeller.

4. List of users (within the stakeholders list provided in project proposal)

5. Sample queries (Five to ten Queries) – highlighting system capabilities in terms of information retrieval in simple English not the SQL queries

6. List of required reports

List here titles and purpose of different reports produced from the database

The ER diagram should models the problem statement.

Phase II: Logical/Physical Design  and Back End Implementation

A)  Relational Model (Logical and Physical Schema Development)         

B)  Server (back-end) implementation

Conceptual model developed in phase 2 will be transformed into logical schema using the relational data model. The outcome of this transformation will be a relational schema. The schema developed in phase 2 will be implemented. Oracle or any other relational database management system can be used for this purpose. The schema should have the following components:

1. Set of required relations

2. All the integrity constraints

3. View of each user (if applicable)

4. Suggested file structure for each relation

5. All the tables properly defined /created

6. All constraints properly defined

7. For each table few instances of data should be entered.

A report must consist the following:

1. Problem statement (taken from project proposal)

2. ER diagram, (taken from phase I document)

3. Relational schema (all relations and constraints),

4. List of Users, (taken from phase I document)

5. View of each user, and

6. Physical (or internal) schema, i.e., file structure for each relation

7. Physical ER Model generated from Logical model submitted in phase I document using TOAD data modeller.

8. DDL script /SQL statements used to create database objects

9. DML insert statements to insert the data in to tables.

Phase III: User Interface (Front-end) Implementation and Project Presentation

The team will develop the forms and reports to be served as front-end of the system using MS Access. The developed system will be tested and a progressive/ Incremental final report for the system will be prepared. The report must contain the material from all previous phases along with the user documentation. A tentative contents list could be as following:

1. Introduction (from project proposal)

2. The problem statement (from project proposal)

3. Conceptual Design / model (ER/ EER diagram) (from phase I document)

4. Relational schema (from phase II document)

5. Physical Design (from phase II document)

6. The user manual (You can add snapshots of your screens along with explanations about how to use for users.)

7. The conclusions (your own experiences)

8. Distribution of Project tasks ( A table showing who did what)

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Database Management System: Developing data centric application using sql statements
Reference No:- TGS05518

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