Assignment: Developing an Intervention and Determining the Impact
Measures of effect are especially important for quantifying health problems. As a DNP-prepared nurse engaged in advanced practice, understanding how to interpret the statistical data in research studies enables you to better present your own findings as well as to determine appropriate interventions based on the data.
You will begin Assignment 3, Sections 3 and 4 of the Major Assessment 7 paper. For Section 3, you will outline an intervention for your population to address the health problem based on the research literature. As you review the literature, it is essential to critically evaluate each study, including the statistical analysis and outcomes. To further enhance your analysis, select a causal model that applies to your selected population health problem, and consider it in terms of measurement of effect. Utilize this model as you continue to evaluate the literature that supports your proposed intervention (Section 3 of your paper).
Review the Major Assessment Overview. Then, begin developing Section 3 and Section 4.