
Developing a theoretical approach

Dystopian societies function on the notion of control.

In light of this statement, examine how Orwell and Ishiguru show the different forms of control in their novels?

The two texts should be read and understood well.

text 1 = George Orwell ‘1984’

text 2 = Kazuo Ishiguro ‘Never Let Me Go’


Candidates submit an essay considering two texts exploring contrasts and comparisons between them, informed by interpretations of other readers. The term ‘other readers’ is defined as:

• reference to recognised critics;

• different theatrical interpretations of drama where candidates discuss different directors’ presentations or different actors’ portrayals;

• exploring a text in relation to, for example, Aristotelian or other concepts of tragedy;

• developing a theoretical approach to the study of their texts (feminism or Marxism, for example);

• different interpretations of texts produced through rewriting or television/film adaptations.

excellent and consistently detailed understanding of at least two text(s) and task undertaken;

• consistently fluent and accurate writing in appropriate register;

• critical terminology accurately and confidently used;

• well-structured, coherent and detailed argument consistently developed

throughout the answer.

• excellent and consistently detailed effective comparison of relationships between texts;

• well-informed and effective exploration of different readings of texts.

• consistently well-developed and consistently detailed well-informed understanding of the significance and influence of contexts in which literary texts are written and understood, as appropriate to the task undertaken.

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