
Developing a terrorist threat


Catalog Description

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the need to plan for the possibility of a terrorist event on the local level. A terrorist event could take place that restricts or retards the state and federal government's response to a local community. The course will give the student the tools needed to prepare a local agency for immediate response to an event in his or her community. The course will give an introduction to the National Incident Management System and will provide the student with the information necessary to ensure local government compliance with federal law.


Walsh, D. W., et al. (2012). National Incident Management System: Principles and Practice. (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8187-3. ISBN-10: 0-7637-8187-8

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC

Commercial software program templates are available for purchase to assist in the correct formatting for use of APA.

Saint Leo University Core Value:

Community. Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.

Course Goals/Objectives

As a result of this course, students will

1. Describe the role of the Saint Leo University core value of Community in designing a local response to terrorism.

2. Relate lessons learned from past incidents and exercises to the needs of local jurisdictions.

3. Recognize the importance of planning for a terrorist attack

4. Obtain the knowledge to prepare a response and containment plan in the event of a terrorist attack.

5. Evaluate existing local plans for response and containment of a terrorist attack.

6. Plan and conduct a training exercise involving a local response to a hypothetical terrorist attack.

7. Obtain the necessary knowledge to prepare a local agency for compliance with the National Incident Management System requirements.

8. Articulate the responsibilities and authority of local government in a terrorist situation.

9. Develop expertise necessary to prepare a local agency for compliance with the National Incident Management System requirements.


• Assessing the terrorist threat

• Developing the situation and assumptions about a terrorist threat

• Direction and control for terrorist incidents

• Communicating during terrorist incidents

• Disseminating warnings during terrorist incidents

• Emergency public information

• Taking protective action during a terrorist incident

• Planning for mass care following a terrorist incident

• Planning health and medical needs in a terrorist incident

• Managing resources in a terrorist incident

• Roles and responsibilities in a terrorist incident

Course Policies

Students with Disabilities:

Appropriate academic accommodations and services are coordinated through the Office of Disability Services, which is located in Kirk Hall Room 121. Students with documented disabilities who may need academic accommodation(s) should email their requests to [email protected] call x8464.

For more information, please review the Policy and Procedure Manual on the Disability Services web page at https://www.saintleo.edu/SaintLeo/Templates/Inner.aspx?pid=391

Academic Honor Code

The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint Leo University Catalog. The first paragraph is quoted below:

As members of an academic community that places a high value on truth and the pursuit of knowledge, Saint Leo University students are expected to be honest in every phase of their academic life and present as their own work only that which is genuinely theirs. Unless otherwise specified by the professor, students must complete homework assignments by themselves (or if on a team assignment, with only their team members). If they receive outside assistance of any kind, they are expected to cite the source and indicate the extent of the assistance. Each student has the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and to refrain from cheating, plagiarism, or any other forms of academic dishonesty.


Cell phones, headphones, or earphones are not to be used at any time in the classroom other than during official breaks declared by the professor. The professor will deduct a minimum of 2 points from your final course grade for each violation.

Disruption of academic process is the act or words of a student in a classroom or teaching environment which in the reasonable estimation of a faculty member: (a) directs attention away from the academic matters at hand, such as noisy distractions, persistent, disrespectful or abusive interruptions of lecture, exam or academic discussions, or (b) presents a danger to the health, safety or well-being of the faculty member or students. Education is a cooperative endeavor - one that takes place within a context of basic interpersonal respect. We must therefore make the classroom environment conducive to the purpose for which we are here. Disruption, intentional and unintentional, is an obstacle to that aim. We can all aid in creating the proper environment, in small ways (such as turning off beepers and cell phones, and neither chatting nor sleeping in class), and in more fundamental ways. So, when we speak in class, we can disagree without attacking each other verbally, we wait to be recognized before speaking, and no one speaks in a manner or of off-topic content that disrupts the class. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further details.

Attendance Policy

An educational program centered on classroom instruction is predicated on the concept of class attendance at scheduled class sessions. Should a student be required to miss a class, it is the student's responsibility to promptly notify the instructor. The instructor is required to keep attendance records in compliance with various federal regulations. Student absences can have a deleterious effect on the student's grade or the continuing eligibility for financial assistance. At the end of the term there will be a 2.0 point overall term grade reduction for each absence and a term letter grade reduction for each absence in excess of two excused or unexcused absences during an eight week term. If a federal holiday, e.g., Memorial Day, causes a single class not to be held and there are only seven scheduled class meetings, there will be a letter grade reduction for each absence in excess of one excused or unexcused absence. Students are expected to attend all classes held during the term. The instructor is not responsible for providing class materials or notes missed due to individual absences or late class arrivals.

Written Assignments and the APA Format:

The Department of Criminal Justice recognizes the value of excellence in writing for students in Criminal Justice. In part, each professor is expected to provide guidance on improving a student's writing skills. Students are required to use only the current APA (American Psychological Association) format to write and develop a scholarly paper for submission in the Social Sciences. APA has been adopted by the Department as its writing standard for all academic written assignments. No other writing style is acceptable.

APA is the American Psychological Association, and the style is one of many in the academic world used to regulate the language, citations, procedure and formatting of manuscripts and other examples of writing in the social sciences. Please be consistent throughout each written paper. For on-line and distance learning courses, refer to APA Guide under Resources on the Course Menu for APA specifics.

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