
Developing a swot analysis for quality mini computers

Need help for developing a SWOT analysis for the given scenario:

As marketing manager for Quality Mini Computers (QMC), I need to develop a preliminary SWOT analysis for QMC. With the implosion of technological advancements, our mini-computer that is the size of a stereo or a 5x7 photo frame is growing. QMC's owners are ready to expand this product in the marketplace. The SWOT analysis is needed because this is a new target market with a smaller computer and we want to be certain we are including our current customers. We need to be sure to consider who is selling smaller, convenient computers as well.

- Need to create a table which will have a one or two word summary of the S, W, O and T

- Need to follow with expanded analysis in a bullet point format

- Need to highlight the most important S, W, O and T so the management team can focus on the most important aspects of the current state of affairs

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Other Management: Developing a swot analysis for quality mini computers
Reference No:- TGS01851969

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