
Developing a statistical process control


You developed a statistical process control (SPC) checklist and a Kaizen Five-Step Plan. In this last part of the project, you will combine all the findings of the previous weeks into one presentation. This presentation will represent all critical areas of quality management and explain how quality management can be used to improve processes.
To complete this part of the project, create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (8 to 10 slides) that includes the following:

  • Introduction to the company and the product selected for the project
  • Definition of quality from product, user, and customer perspectives
  • Strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analysis
  • Vision and mission statements
  • The selected quality focus method and the reason behind the selection
  • Methods of implementing a quality culture
  • Quality control methods and requirements for implementing them
  • Role of management in implementing quality control methods
  • Any other point you think is necessary in presenting your project work

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Business Management: Developing a statistical process control
Reference No:- TGS01813836

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