
Developing a social change project

Assignment task: Developing a social change project is often a group effort. In order to successfully lead change, you must be able to cooperate and communicate effectively with the rest of the team. This group assessment is meant to simulate a team-developed social change project.

As a team, identify a social problem of concern and develop a social change project that applies social influence principles to address the problem creatively and effectively. Your team is creating a project to solve the problem using social change (persuading large groups of people to change their behavior to help solve the problem).

My topic is what are the persuasive techniques you will implement to convince many other people to help solve the problem?

I believe our first goal should be to come up with a topic. I am a math teacher, and one topic I had in mind is how mathematics education is taught in our country. Right now, all students (at least in my state) are required to take up through Algebra 2. Many of my students are not developmentally ready to take Algebra in 9th grade. My social change proposal is to offer two math tracks to students, the traditional one (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II...) and math for the real-life path that would teach the math skills people need in the real world It would go something like this (arithmetic review, financial math, Algebra for the real world, Geometry for the real world).

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Other Subject: Developing a social change project
Reference No:- TGS03273175

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