
Developing a shopping cart for a website - write a program

Part 1


Displaying Content of an XML File Using PHP Script or Code

In this week, you are going to write the PHP script or code to read an XML file and display its content on the screen. The file you will modify is the Products page, which you created in W1 Assignment 2. Given the following data in XML format, modify the Products page to read and display the information in the Products page:




Your end page result needs to show the items, their cost (price) in a table format. Use both PHP script as well as HTML tags to create the dynamic table from the given XML file.

Submit your code as well as a test plan in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document consisting of:
- Screenshots of your project (showing design, data entered, and displayed)
- A paragraph explaining how you tested your project

Note: Submit the zipped code, HTML, and PHP pages zipped under one file.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Submission Details

Name your document SU_ITS4112_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.zip.

Part 2

Assignment 2:

Developing a Shopping Cart for a Website

Now that you have built a web page for your business, you will be adding a shopping cart allowing users to add and remove items from it.

Modify your Products page to include an Add link, under each item (this link is a simple tag that will direct the user to another page, that will add the item to a cookie list). When the user clicks Add, he or she is directed to the Shopping Cart page (a PHP page that runs on the server side) where the item is stored inside a cookie.

Your Products page needs to also have a Remove link next to the Add link. When the user clicks Remove, the item needs to be removed by simply deleting its information from the cookie where the item was stored. It is a good idea to use the item Name or ID as an indicator to determine which cookie to remove.

The Shopping Cart PHP page needs to add the item to a cookie list and then display the contents of the cookie list to the user-to show the items added to the cart. The items can be displayed in a table format. Remember, each item is stored in a different cookie or you can use one cookie to store all the items, you simply add a separator between each item. For example, a cookie could contain the following items: Hat, Pants, and T-Shirt.

You can use PHP script to parse the cookie content by splitting the contents into three separate items or you may also use an array of cookies to store multiple items.
Submit your code as well as a test plan, in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document consisting of:
- Screenshots of your project (showing design, data entered, and displayed)
- A paragraph explaining how you tested your project
- All HTML or PHP script zipped under one file
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Submission Details
Name your document SU_ITS4112_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.zip.

Part 3


Assignment 2: OOP

This assignment will give you an opportunity to work with basic switch statement, multiple alternative if statements, and properly indented and nested double alternative if statements.
Complete the following programs:
1. Statements
Assume that quest is an integer variable containing a question number. Write a program that places the last name of a US President into the Text property of textbox txtOut according to the following criteria:
- "Washington" (if quest = 0), "Lincoln" (if quest = 1), "Jefferson" (if quest = 2), or "Roosevelt" (if quest = 3).
- Write the above mentioned program:
o Using switch statement
o Using multiple alternative if statements
o Using only properly indented and nested double alternative if statements
Save the interface as Switch.cpp.
2. Program Design Game Formulas
Most computer games use formulas to define what happens when a user interacts with the environment. For example, the formula for how much damage a player inflicted on a monster might be something like:
damage = (player strength + player weapon) - monster's protection
Assume that there are 100 possible values for each of the variables on the right side of this formula (from 0 = weak to 99 = strong).
Write a program that:
- Allows the users to enter their strength, weapon strength, and the monster's protection
- Finds out what the damage will be on clicking a button
Design a complete solution, including an interface sketch, object table, data table, algorithm, table of testing strategy, and trace examples of good and invalid data through the algorithm to verify that it is correct.
Save your program as GameFormula.cpp.
Submission Details:"
Embed the two programs in a Microsoft Word document with a description of your programming strategy.
Name your document SU_ITS3105_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

(Below Should be done in C++)
Assignment 2: Classroom Seating

In this assignment, you will:

- Write a program that explores the seating patterns related to course performance by using an array of student scores. The program should do the following:
o Draw a seating chart of the classroom.
o Show where people sit and use color coding on the seats to indicate the student's current level of performance. The color-coding scheme should be as follows:
 Red-For students who are below the class mean
 Yellow-For students who are at or above the mean but below 90 percent
 Green-For students who are in the top 10 percent
- The program should use the following:
o A two-dimensional array of student scores instead of a one-dimensional array.
o The two-dimensional array of scores having the same number of rows and columns as the arrangement of seats in the classroom.
- Save the program as Seating.cpp.
Submission Details:
Embed the program in a Microsoft Word document with a description of your programming strategy.
Name your document W3_A2_Lastname_Firstinitial.doc.

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Computer Engineering: Developing a shopping cart for a website - write a program
Reference No:- TGS01564042

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