
Developing a report on the administrative responsibilities

Assignment task: Recently, your boss came to you asking for your help developing a report on the administrative responsibilities of managing volunteers and employees. I am confused about how to develop a document containing two diagrams/timelines and an accompanying written narrative.

Keeping in mind things related to volunteer management and human resources, address the following:

  • Draw a timeline outlining the steps volunteers for your organization must complete in the order they must be completed.
  • A second timeline diagraming the steps that new employees in your organization must pass through in the order in which they are encountered.

(Considering possible inclusions in one or both timelines might be recruitment, onboarding, creating a job description, continuing training/development, screening, interviewing, maintaining records, motivation, completing tasks for the agency, supervision, evaluation, disciplinary action, termination, and goal setting. You can use any of these possible steps or add your own as you see fit. Use your diagrams to place selected steps in the correct order.)

  • Briefly summarize and explain the human resources and volunteer management principles and theories that informed the construction of your timelines.

Explain why I should include and order the steps in each diagram as you did.

  • Compare and contrast the two timelines you created. Defend whether volunteers must complete any crucial steps employees do not undergo and vice versa. Justify your reasoning for any differences.
  • Finally, imagine an individual who has been slowly declining his performance for the agency. He has missed a few shifts recently, has been short and snippy with others, and often seems distracted. Develop a plan for how you would respond to this situation if the individual were a volunteer and one for if he was an employee.

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HR Management: Developing a report on the administrative responsibilities
Reference No:- TGS03316974

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