Developing a physical fitness programme for adult womens

Research Topic:

Developing a physical fitness programme for adult women's swimmer in Hong Kong sports institute limited Timeline:

Need to revise the research proposal to 2000 words, and to fix to the topic. Will give the whole dissertation to the expert to work on if passed the proposal

Draft of questionnaires

1. How old are you?
o 18-25
o 26-34
o 35-42
o 43-50
o 51 above

2. Are you working or retired?
o Unemployment
o Part time /temporary work
o Full time work

3. How long have you been joining the physical fitness programme? (Badminton, Tai chi, yoga or etc)
o Below 1 year
o 2-4 years
o 5-7 years
o 8-10 years
o 11 years above

4. On average, how many times do you do physical fitness programme per week?
o 1-2
o 3-4
o 5-6
o 6 or above

5. Please rate your purposes of joining the physical fitness programme?
o Enhance health condition
o Skill improvement
o Habit development
o Enjoyment

6. Have you achieved your short term/ long-term physical fitness goal(s)?
o Yes
o No

7. Have you ever quit any physical fitness programme?
o Yes
o No

If yes, why?
o No interest
o Lack of time
o Unprofessional from the coach
o Programme unsatisfied your level
o Health condition
o Others_________________________________

8. What is the main factor to affect you to attend the Physical Fitness Programme?
o Busy on work
o Urgent matters
o Out of town
o Lack of passion
o Lack of time
o Kid's schedule
o Health condition

9. What is the main factorto motivate you on the physical fitness programme?
o Learn new skills
o Healthy
o Weight loss
o Reduced depression and anxiety
o Enjoyment
o Improvement of cardio-vascular endurance
o Improvement of sleeping

10. On the other hand, what is the main factorwould demotivate on the physical fitness programme?
o Less improvement
o No Partners
o Injury
o Bored
o Health condition

11. Please rate your consideration to join a physical fitness programme?
o Schedule arrangement
o Quality of the programme
o Location

12. What are the components to include for a physical fitness programme?
o Facility
o Quality of the coach
o Ratio of the class
o Schedule arrangement

Draft of interview

Age: ______

Work status :(full/part time/ retired)

1. How long have you been joining the physical fitness programme?

2. How many times do you do physical fitness programme per week?

3. What are the purposes of joining the physical fitness programme?

4. Please provide details that will affect your training schedule? (Kid's schedules, work hours, travel etc)

5. What will you do to overcome it?

6. What are the factors to motivate and demotivate you on the physical fitness programme?

7. What components should be included and considered in developing a physical fitness programme?

Attachment:- action plan.rar

Attachment:- Full research proposal.rar

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Case Study: Developing a physical fitness programme for adult womens
Reference No:- TGS02340202

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