
Developing a economy history-growth trend


You will select an undeveloped or developing economy (country), and write up a brief economic history, statement of current conditions, growth trends and developmental issues. The paper will include a concluding section with recommendations for addressing those issues. The paper will be 3,000 words (excluding title page and references), and should include supporting tables, graphs and equations. I will consider a paper that focuses on theoretical issues upon request.

You will need to read outside books, journal articles, and other materials related to the economy. Your paper should give reference to the sources used. If you use any material from the web your reference should be such that one can go to the web and have access to the source you have used. The format of the paper should be APA style. Use Times Roman 12pt, Double Space, 1in. margins.

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Microeconomics: Developing a economy history-growth trend
Reference No:- TGS02064236

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