
Develop your planning and analytical skills in the context

Develop your planning and analytical skills in the context of a complex project orientated environment

Outline of Task:

You are required to develop a defendable project schedule for a project of your choice, which will facilitate successful execution of the project. The project may be one you are doing, or have been involved with, or may be taken from a case study of your choice. The submission must include a project schedule of at least 80 activities and clearly identify the logic of activity sequencing and relationships between the activities. All dependencies, constraints and resources are to be included.

The assignment is as follows:

Section 1: A detailed project schedule applying procedural logic, and clearly showing dependencies, constraints and resource implications. Provide a list of all assumptions you have made in constructing the schedule.

Section 2: Using the schedule developed in section 1, set the Baseline of the project, and increase all activity duration by 10% and cost by 15%. Produce an Earned Value tabulated report that presents values for the following:

• Budget at completion (BAC)
• Actual costs (ACWP)
• Planned Value (BCWS)
• Earned Value (BCWP)
• Schedule variance
• Cost variance

Section 3: Prepare a report that critically evaluates your solutions in relation to the tools and techniques you have used in constructing the project schedule. Also provide a list of references you have used in your submission. Harvard system of references is the preferred option within the School of Architecture, Construction and Environment.

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Project Management: Develop your planning and analytical skills in the context
Reference No:- TGS0909157

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