
Develop your internet and library research skills evaluate

Assignment: Texas Government Term Paper


• Learn about a current political issue, problem, or person of political consequence
• Develop your internet and library research skills
• Evaluate your topic from the perspective of different cultures and/or political viewpoints as well as your own
• Improve communication and critical thinking skills


Choose one of the two following paper topics and write a three-­-page minimum research paper. With either option you choose, be sure to provide specific examples, elaborate to support your arguments, and fully "prove" your points.


The purpose of this paper is to analytically and critically explore course material through "real world" political events, as well as synthesize material from throughout the semester.

Option One

Texas held its gubernatorial election in November 2014. Republican Greg Abbott and Democrat Wendy Davis were the two main contenders. Analyze the campaigns and campaign strategies for each of the two candidates. Include the following:

• Political positions of each, including their stances on key issues
• How each candidate did in the polls, and the key demographics for each candidate
• Key interest groups at play in the 2014 gubernatorial election, and key contributors to each candidate
• Based upon the above research and analysis, a critical assessment of the campaign strategy, themes, and messages each candidate should have followed. In other words, what did they do right and what could they have done better with their campaigns and in their campaign strategies?

Option Two

Drama unfolded in the Texas legislature last summer over an abortion bill that was considered during a special session. Texas Senator Wendy Davis and her colleagues attempted to filibuster the bill as the session came to a close, ultimately leading Governor Perry to call another special session. Explain how last summer's events demonstrated or were an illustration of Texas politics and government in action. Consider the following in your critical analysis of Texas politics in action:

• The formal and informal role of the governor
• The powers and role of the lieutenant governor and Speaker of the House
• The role of grassroots activism and interest groups
• Legislative tactics and rules
• The politics of lawmaking in Texas

Note: You need to use the special sessions and debates over the bill as a case study or illustration that demonstrates Texas politics in action. However, this assignment is neither asking for an opinion of the bill nor commentary on the rightness or wrongness of the bill. Nowhere in the paper should you state your opinion for or against the bill, although it may be relevant to describe the views of those who supported it or opposed it. Furthermore, this assignment is not asking for an exploration of the abortion debate and the politics surrounding the issue of abortion. The purpose of the paper is to show how last summer's events illustrate Texas government and Texas politics as discussed in the course.


Use of the internet for research is encouraged. You will find useful information from sources such as the Austin American Statesman, The Houston Chronicle, and other online political resources. You may NOT use encyclopedias, dictionaries, or interviews with family and friends as sources for this term paper. You may NOT reference Wikipedia or sites like Wiki Answers, Yahoo Answers, Answer.com, or any other general Q&A answer-­-style website. You may NOT use or reference papers and materials from paper writing services, and you may not reference comments from discussion boards and online forums. You may cite the textbook, but do not rely on it as your sole or primary source of information. You are required to use a minimum of 3 distinct sources.

Paper Requirements

• Three full pages minimum page length (the works cited/endnotes page does not count toward your three page minimum)

• Three distinct sources minimum (DO NOT use Wikipedia, family/friend interviews, dictionaries, encyclopedias, question/answer sites, or papers/research from paper writing services)

• 12 point font, using Times New Roman font

• Double-­-spaced

• One inch margins

• Number pages

• Name in header at top of page

• Grammar, punctuation, and spelling matter and affect the overall quality of your work. Do not use contractions (can't = cannot, you're = you are, it's = it is, etc). Watch out for similar sounding words (weather/whether, affect/effect, then/than, lose/loose, etc).

• Organization of thought and writing mechanics matter. Use an introduction to present your topic and outline your paper, and use a conclusion to summarize your main points. In the body of the paper, use multiple paragraphs with a clear main idea and supporting statements.

• All sources must be documented, both in the text and with a works cited page. Use the MLA format for documentation.

o Remember that you must have documentation in the text of the paper and include bibliographic information

o Remember that if you take material from one of your sources - including but not limited to direct wording, paraphrasing, thoughts, ideas, analysis, or any other information - you must properly document it!

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Dissertation: Develop your internet and library research skills evaluate
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