
Develop your critical thinking skills in your analysis in


PROJECT: Develop a "stakeholder map" for a health care organization in your metropolitan area or state. On this map show the important health care organizations and indicate what impact they may have on the industry. (I recommend 500 to 750 words length) It is ok to go over.

The stakeholder map may be in the form of a diagram. Some stakeholder maps show the relationship of the stakeholder to the organization with a plus sign (for a positive relationship) or a minus sign (for a negative relationship). However, many organizations may be both positive and negative in different circumstances. For a discussion of physician stakeholders and an example of a stakeholder map see Linda E. Swayne, Peter M. Ginter, and W. Jack Duncan, The Physician Strategist: Setting a Strategic Direction for Your Practice (Chicago: Irwin Professional Publishing, 1996). For a hospital stakeholder map see Myron D. Fottler, John D. Blair, Carlton J. Whitehead, Michael D. Laus, and G. T. Savage, "Assessing Key Stakeholders: Who Matters to Hospitals and Why?" Hospital & Health Services Administration 34, no. 4 (1989).

As an alternative to a diagram, a simple table may be developed showing the stakeholder, general purpose or mission of the stakeholder, and the nature of the relationship of the stakeholder to the organization. Also, have a strong introduction paragraph, purpose statement, and conclusion paragraph. Be sure to read your written assignment out load before submitting it to correct grammar and writing composition errors. I recommend at least 3 outside sources for this assignment.

Use APA formatting with a title page and reference page.

Use headings for each section of your papers for the written assignments. The APA rule for this is to have the heading centered (not bold) and the first letter of each major word capitalized.

You will receive a Safe Assign Report score when you submit your assignments. It is used to in the grading of the assignment. Usually, the threshold point where grade deductions are made is 20% but on this module 1 assignment, it is 30% based on the nature of this assignment. Please refer to the Course Resources in our Blackboard Class, for more information about using the Safe Assign Report and its impact on grading. When you submit your assignment, a Safe Assign Report will automatically be provided to you. You may only allowed several attempts when submitting your assignments. If you do need more, let me know and I will clear previous attempts out.

Develop your critical thinking skills in your analysis in your paper and in your discussion questions. Critical thinking skills are extremely important in developing a successful career. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action (Defining Critical Thinking, 2015).

Use APA formatting and quality academic sources.

I have posted a Sample APA paper for you to use and study in Course Documents. This is an APA sample/template paper that I put together for you. Keep this template because it is already formatted for APA. Just type over the words and reuse the APA formatting I set up for you. This is the easiest way I can think of in setting up a paper for APA. This is what I do in writing research papers. The purpose of the paper is not the words or content but for the APA settings and formatting.

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Business Management: Develop your critical thinking skills in your analysis in
Reference No:- TGS02357687

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