
Develop your critical thinking skills


A Philosophical View of Film

Develop your critical thinking skills by selecting a film and assessing it for philosophical ideas that appeal to you. In order to assist you in thinking about film as sources of philosophy, I have provided specific web sites dedicated to philosophy in films. When you find a film that grabs your interest, use the library database for the Arts (directions are posted). There you will find articles about the film and its philosophical content.

Screen the movie. Do not be a passive viewer, interact with what is on the screen by questioning it, asking questions like: What is the role of morality in this film? How big a role does fate play? What does it have to say about love, life and death? What are some other philosophical aspects?. Take notes.

Watch the movie again. This is necessary to ensure you fully understand what the filmmakers were saying, to pick up any detail you may have missed the first time and to double-check your own observations. Repeat as many times as needed.

Review your notes to see what stands out. If you took a lot of notes, you won't be able to include all of them, but certain themes should stick out. Choose these as your philosophical themes to explore. For example, if you screened "The Matrix," you might have lots of notes about the interplay of appearance and reality (Plato's Allegory of the Cave) and Descartes' dream vs. waking states so write about these.
Ponder the themes you have chosen. Try to think about these themes in the context of the movie and try to think if it corresponds to the views of any philosophers. Consider, for example, what Plato would say about appearance and reality in "The Matrix" or what Descartes would say about Trinity's statement to Neo: "It's like a splinter in your mind."

React to these views. Ask yourself if you agree with the philosophical viewpoint of the film, and if not ask yourself why not. Once you have solidified your personal philosophical critique, search out the philosopher (philosophers) who can back you up.

Organize your thoughts. You should have an introductory paragraph introducing the movie, a paragraph for each philosophical issue discussed, then a conclusion summarizing your opinion of the movie and its underlying philosophies.

Length: no less than 3-4 full pages, double-spaced and 12 pt font.

MLA Style for in-text citations and works cited

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Other Subject: Develop your critical thinking skills
Reference No:- TGS01849714

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