
Develop understanding of role of educational research

Assignment Task: Schools and Society

Introduction: Educators need to be:

'able to make informed and thoughtful judgements about what is educationally worthwhile. These judgements are informed by their evolving philosophy of education, which is shaped and re-shaped by research, debate and their own intellectual curiosity. The development of such a philosophy is underpinned by a scholarly understanding of the relationship between educational theory and practice, and informed by a continual process of professional inquiry and personal reflection.' (UoN Ethos Statement, 2009).

This assignment is grounded in our Aims and Ethos and encourages you to recognise your potential to effect change within any education context through your development as an inquiring practitioner.

During Phase 4 of the course, when you are predominantly based in University, you will explore a series of Big Questions in Education. The purpose of this assignment is to support you in undertaking an inquiry that will deepen your understanding of what needs to be considered when trying to address these complex questions.

The aims of the inquiry are:

  • to develop an understanding of the practices and processes of generating educational knowledge by conducting an inquiry in your subject;
  • to deepen your knowledge of a particular issue relating your subject to schools and society;
  • to develop an understanding of the role of educational research and its capacity to effect change.

Stages of the inquiry:

Stage One: 'Noticing' at a subject level (first half of spring term):

Following the Big Questions in Education series, you should hopefully be thinking about some key issues. You will be reflecting on what you have done, and observed, in your first school placement and the role your subject teaching might have in reaction to these issues. As you embark on your second placement you will be encouraged to think about how these big issues play out in a different context, engaging with literature and exploring your practice.

Mason (2002) offers 'the discipline of noticing' as an approach to reflecting on, and thinking about, your practice. Mason argues for a 'systematic and methodical' approach to noticing through which one can explore and analyse their practice in order to be in a position to make informed choices about their actions in the future. As you start with new classes and new opportunities present themselves, you will be challenged to 'notice' and explore how your subject teaching is adjusting, adapting and changing in light of your thinking.

Stage Two: Raising questions at a whole school level (second half of spring term):

As you become more confident in your teaching, and feel more integrated into your school and department, you will be challenged to explore issues at a different, bigger, level by engaging with literature and considering your school's response to the Big Questions in Education.

At this point, you will be required to effectively participate within a community of inquiry, working with your peers and supported by your coordinator.

This work is supported by tasks in a Personal Learning Record that you undertake over your placement.

Stage Three: Framing a research question and developing a proposal for your inquiry (by Easter):

Having established this foundation, you will be undertaking an individual subject-based inquiry designed to explore your subject within the context of schools and society, developing an idea that aims to respond to one of the Big Questions in Education. In close collaboration with your mentor and University tutor, and through engagement with literature, you will plan a research question and develop a proposal for your inquiry which will be agreed by the end of the spring term.

This inquiry will require you to learn about, and apply, relevant methods for undertaking research with children and inquiry-based skills, including the production and analysis of classroom research data, and the effective communication of your findings.

You will be asked to consider the ethical implications of your inquiry and, with the support of your tutor, complete an ethical approval form.

Stage Four: Carrying out your inquiry (first half of summer term):

Once your proposal has been agreed you will carry out your inquiry and collect data to enable you to identify, and evaluate, findings.

In collaboration with your mentor and coordinator, you will identify, and agree, effective ways of communicating your work to your placement school.

Throughout the inquiry your thinking will be carefully scaffolded by:

  • directed reading;
  • Personal Learning Record tasks;
  • discussions with your tutor and mentor;
  • guidance on how to manage your time effectively;
  • opportunities to work with your peers to support each other and share learning.

Stage Five: Submission of assignment

The final outcome of the inquiry is a 6000 word assignment that draws on all stages of the inquiry.

The assignment should include:

  • a clear rationale for the inquiry, including the development of your research question(s);
  • a review of relevant research literature and policy documentation;
  • research methods used during the inquiry;
  • ethical considerations for your inquiry;
  • findings from your inquiry;
  • analysis of findings;
  • implications of your findings for your department and/or school;
  • implications of your findings for your future practice as a teacher.

Your assignment will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • clarity of your research question(s);
  • your knowledge and understanding of key issues within the inquiry;
  • organisation of research evidence and other material;
  • your ability to draw implications from your research for professional practice;
  • the quality of your presentation and the accuracy of your referencing and language

Note: Focus on higher attaining boys in Modern Languages

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