Develop training objectives for your training program

Assignment: Employee Training & Develop


Complete the following for this assignment:

• Identify the general training topic you have selected for your training program (1-2 pages). Create your training scenario based on the topic you have selected. Include the following:

o A general description of the training topic.
o Why this training is needed.
o Who is to be trained.
o How many are being trained.

• Develop a training needs analysis for your topic (3-4 pages). For the purposes of this project, you are not expected to actually conduct the training needs analysis (TNA). Instead, create the following information as if it is based on a TNA.

o Identify what the trainees should know or be able to do after they have completed the training program. Research your topic to determine what you want your trainees to learn. Your sources might be anything from an Internet search for data, to a meeting with subject matter experts (SMEs) who are good at the task involved. For example, if you training topic is how to tile a wall, you might search the Internet for do-it-yourself instructions, or you might consult with a specialist at a home improvement store.

- Summarize the results of your research or provide a set of the questions you would ask SMEs if you were to meet with them.

o Identify what the trainees know or what they can do before the training.

- Create a sample survey, a questionnaire, a set of interview questions, or an observation checklist. Include this in your assignment submission as a separate attachment.

• Develop training objectives for your training program (1-2 pages). Create 3-5 specific training objectives for your topic.

o Create your objectives based on what you have determined the trainees should know (or be able to do) after attending the training program.

• Design a training program for your topic (3-4 pages). Define each of the following aspects and explain why you made the choices you did.

o How long will the training program be?
o Will there be one or more training sessions?
o Will those who facilitate the training be internal or external instructors?
o Where will the training program be held?
o How will learners be motivated to learn?
o Who is the intended audience for the training?

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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HR Management: Develop training objectives for your training program
Reference No:- TGS02965868

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